Emergency is a Small Business Opportunity: COVID-19 Business Ideas
One person’s tragedy is another’s silver lining. This is the way of the world and life in the jungle. No matter how much we sugar coat the world with political correctness and insurance schemes the facts remain the same. Emergency is a small business opportunity: COVID-19 business ideas abound all around us right now. Think hand sanitiser, toilet paper, face masks, home delivery for everything, and digitalising businesses. Zoom, the video-conferencing platform, is advertising at AFL footy matches to a national audience in 2020. Working from home markets have erupted everywhere, as businesses attempt to adapt to this pandemic crisis and a new set of rules.
Businesses Must Adapt & Be Flexible If They are to Survive
Emergency electricians are still in demand late at night despite the coronavirus pandemic. It seems that electricians are essential service providers that stay outside of the restrictions imposed on many other workers and businesses. Emergency is a small business opportunity: COVID-19 business ideas can take a leaf out of the play books of emergency plumbers and electricians. Businesses must adapt to the times and be flexible enough if they are to survive. Life goes on with some important changes in place regarding human contact, social distancing and travel.
Chasing the Emergency Dollar Using SEO & Digital Marketing
Think about locksmiths chasing the emergency dollar using SEO and digital marketing. I locked my keys in my 1959 vintage Mercedes last week, whilst out at the golf club. I returned from a practice session and managed to lock myself out. Feeling like a king-sized knob with nowhere to hide I experienced the extreme low of losing access to all my secure shelter in one foul swoop. I thought about that emergency locksmith as my saviour to retrieve my equilibrium in the face of desperate uncertainty. Fortunately, I composed myself and went at it with pliers and a coat hanger bent out of shape. After much soul searching and shaping of wire, I managed to flick that lever and unlock the car door via the window.
Emergency is a Private Enterprise Opportunity
There were times when I almost gave up, especially in the face of public opprobrium in the golf club carpark. “I hope you own that vehicle,” one chuckling woman called out. “Locked yourself out, did you mate,” stating the bloody obvious, came another comment. You feel like you are swimming against the current in these circumstances. I would have checked my smart phone for an emergency locksmith in the area, but I had managed to lock that in the car as well. The world is changing faster than ever before, and emergencies are creating new opportunities for those that are smart enough to adapt. Perhaps, someone will invent a car key that protests loudly at being locked inside a vehicle with no driver onboard.
Opening Up The Dark Vault of Possibilities
Suddenly in the midst of a Pandemic, which has given rise to polar extremes of human thought, we now have all sorts of possibilities – and some of them will be very good for the hip pocket. From the obvious, such as Australian wine companies making great offers for home delivery, to chai companies selling a lot more chai directly off their websites into people’s homes, but this is of course just the beginning.
Isolated by government decrees, lonelier than every before, people are increasingly starved of social connections, which has spawned a new dance resistance gathering on the heady rocks of Maroubra even if it did cost the organiser a $1000 fine.
We will continue to post ideas on here as we think of them.
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