What would you search for if your trusty Apple Mac breaks down?

It”ll never happen, you reply.

Well having worked in the magazine world and walked into our office on the day we”re going to print to discover the Mac”s internal hard drive has crashed, wiping out a month”s work and losing all the contacts associated with that work, we can assure you that Apple is not infallible.

That”s how we came to be in touch with Apple repair expert Stuart Snow from Mac Manager, and he”s now a crucial part of our corporate life, as we turn to him for Mac networking / data recovery / Mac upgrades / server set-up / Apple tuition and for many other tasks.

Of course being a genius operator, he turned to us when he needed SEO and we obliged him by ranking him at the top of Google for terms such as Mac repairs Sydney / Apple repairs sydney and Mac technician Sydney.

He”s also proved invaluable for various Mac training projects such as iMovie training / iPhoto training and even Garageband training (we do love to write a few stirring SEO anthems now & then).

Most Searched Terms: Apple repair expert, Mac Manager, Mac repairs, Mac networking, data recovery, Mac upgrades, server set-up, Apple tuition, iMove training, iPhoto help, creating Keynote presentations.